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Token Model: Utility for Value Capture and Incentive Reward

The utility token AKRE is crucial to Arkreen’s ecosystem. It pays transaction fees for issuing, offsetting, and trading green assets. This token model captures external value and supports the inclusive climate action platform and public green asset network.

  • Supply-Side Value: The more low-carbon activities recorded and green assets issued, the higher on-chain issuance service fees, and thus, the greater the value captured by the network.
  • Demand-Side Value: As voluntary carbon neutrality actions increase, so do the on-chain offset service fees, further driving the network’s value.

Token Mechanism: Capturing Value in Green Asset Transactions

This utility token model perfectly integrates public welfare (by incentivizing climate action through utility token rewards) with commercial value (by using the public green asset network to capture value through the utility token). This synergy is at the heart of Arkreen’s strategy and the DePIN model, ensuring a sustainable and balanced fusion of community-driven climate action and economic sustainability.

Through these mechanisms, Arkreen not only supports a decentralized, bottom-up approach to building a public carbon asset network but also encourages continuous community participation in climate actions. This holistic system fosters a sustainable and inclusive pathway towards global carbon neutrality.