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Arkreen's Why, What and How

Why We Need a Decentralized Carbon Asset Network

The concept of carbon neutrality has garnered widespread global consensus. As climate change intensifies, carbon assets — units that quantify and certify the reduction or removal of carbon dioxide — become increasingly vital. These assets are essentially public goods, and their management should not be confined to any single entity or nation. Instead, they should be globally accessible and managed through digital, decentralized systems that ensure transparency and inclusivity.

By leveraging blockchain technology, Arkreen envisions a world where carbon assets are self-certified and traded across a decentralized network, making them truly public assets owned by the global community in the age of the network stage. This approach not only democratizes access to these critical resources but also supports a new era of economic growth driven by environmental sustainability.

What Arkreen Aims to Build

To unleash the full potential of carbon assets, Arkreen is constructing a decentralized public carbon asset network. This network is designed to maintain key attributes such as liquidity, transparency, low barriers to entry, openness & permissionless access.

• Liquidity: Ensuring that carbon assets can be freely traded globally, increasing their utility and value.

• Transparency: Providing clear visibility into asset transactions and usage, preventing information asymmetry.

• Low Barriers: Making it easy for individuals and organizations of all sizes to participate and benefit.

• Openness & Permissionless Access: Allowing anyone, anywhere, to connect to the network without restrictive barriers.

How Arkreen Integrates Public Goods and Commercial Sustainability

Balancing the public good nature of carbon assets with the need for commercial sustainability is a complex challenge. Traditionally, public goods rely on government funding or charitable donations, while infrastructure networks depend on stable business models for long-term operation. Arkreen’s innovative solution lies in the concept of Decentralized Physical Infrastructure Networks (DePIN).

Arkreen Approach with DePIN for Public Goods

DePIN models combine community-driven development and ownership, integrating public welfare with sustainable business practices. In Arkreen’s network, community members are not just users but also builders and owners, collectively investing in, managing, and benefiting from the network. This approach offers several advantages:

Transparency and Trust: Community management ensures that the network operates with high levels of transparency and credibility.

Sustainable Development: Community ownership encourages broader participation in network development and maintenance, supporting long-term sustainability.

Shared Benefits: The shared ownership model allows profits to be distributed within the community, achieving a balance between public good and commercial success.