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How does Arkreen Network determine which Miner will be rewarded?

Every miner has a chance to earn the Proof of Green Data reward about every K epochs, where currently K=10. In the first block of every epoch, Arkreen Network will generate a key pair, and publish the public key (verifiable random number). In the first block of the next epoch, Arkreen Network will use the private key of the key pair to decide the miners that will be rewarded and publish the private key (verifiable evidence). The decision process flow is listed hereunder:

  • Each reward period (epoch) starts, assuming the block height is H, Arkreen Network randomly generates key pairs SK and PK, the public key PK is submitted to the network as the commitment transaction content, the private key SK is kept by the network.

  • When the block height is H+K, the reward will be distributed. Assume that the total number of legal data records sent by Miners in the statistical period is N, then calculate a SEED for each Miner. The calculation method is:

    SEED = SHA256(ECDH(SK, PKMiner) * N, BlockHashH..., BlockHashH+K-1) % K.

    Where PKMiner is the public key corresponding to the miner address.

  • When the SEED = 0 and the miner has legal uploaded data in the current epoch, then the miner can participate in the reward distribution.

  • In the reward distribution transaction phase, the network needs to disclose the private key SK , any miner can later judge whether the reward distribution is fair or not based on the private key SK disclosed by the network. In any epoch, if no miner is rewarded, the token of the reward pool will be given to Arkreen Treasury.