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Arkreen Smart Plug Quick Start

Note: Smart Plug is under white-list test.


The Arkreen smart plug is an intelligent device designed to monitor and record the electricity usage of your appliances. Simply connect the smart plug to your home WiFi network and plug your appliance into it. The smart plug will periodically report the appliance's energy consumption to Arkreen. Users who consistently report energy consumption data and those who offset their recorded energy usage through the Arkreen AREC protocol will be rewarded.

Installation and Configuration

See below materials to install and configure the Smart Plug:

Arkreen Smart Plug Installation Tutorial Video

ZigBee Gateway Configuration Guide

Smart Plug Configuration Guide

ZigBee Gateway Rebinding Tutorial Video

Checking Your Smart Plug and Rewards

To check the status of your smart plug and view your rewards, please visit the Arkreen Smart Plug Console. The Arkreen smart plug console has four tabs:

  • Dashboard: Provides an overview of your smart plugs and rewards.
  • Withdraw: Allows you to withdraw your rewards to an on-chain wallet and view your withdrawal history.
  • Ranking: Displays the daily offset activity rankings of all smart plug owners on the network.
  • Greening History: Let you view your offset/greening transaction history.

Keep smart plug power on to earn baseline reward

Smart plug baseline reward rewards the smart plugs which report energy consumption normally everyday, so please keep your smart plug power on anytime.

Offset energy consumption to earn offset reward

Smart plug offset reward rewards the users who offset energy consumption, please offset your energy consumption by clicking the “Offset” button in Dashboard tab of Arkreen smart plug console.

Offset Button in Dashboard Tab

Offset Parameters

Offset Result

Checking Today’s Offset Ranking

Offset ranking shows the daily offset performance ranking of users. You can view the leaderboard and your own ranking. The higher your position in the offset ranking, the more offset rewards you earn.

Checking Your Offset/Greening History

Withdraw earned reward to on-chain wallet

You can click the Withdraw Plug Rewards button in the Withdraw tab to transfer your rewards to your on-chain wallet. Please note that smart plug rewards are from distinct reward pools other than the pools for remote miners or plant miners. If you have both a remote miner and smart plug, you need to withdraw each reward separately.

Read More

Consumption Plug Miner

User Guide for Arkreen Smart Plug